MR. HOLLAND’S OPUS (Theatrical Release USA 1995)

Ben Meyers’ rating: 4.0|5.0 Starsìììì

Mr. Holland’s Opus
—superbly done—shows, without preaching, that our real ‘opus’ becomes the lives we affect along the way when we put our heart into our work. This film, completely worth watching, becomes one of the best musically themed films we’ve seen for awhile. Outstanding work by actor Richard Dreyfuss.

Film Poster Courtesy of Wikipedia


Glenn Holland (Richard Dreyfuss), a musical performer and composer, aspires to be a well-remembered musical composer; but finds those aspirations down-sized to a regular suburbia lifestyle while earning his living as a high school music teachVideer. The film follows his disappointments and temptations, endeavors to create meaning in an occupation not well appreciated by peers and superiors, and succeeds in weaving the small threads of a life that have a good impact over the span of a lifetime.

Additional Thanks

Thank you to Director Stephen Herek for directing efforts. Thank you to Executive Producers Patrick Sheane Duncan and Scott Kroopf for making the film possible. Terrific work by Script Writer Patrick Sheane Duncan. Additional characters/cast include: Iris Holland (Glenne Headly), Vice Principal Wolter (William H. Macy), Louis Russ (Terrence Howard), and Bobby Tidd (Damon Whitaker).

Buy a ticket? Yes? No? Maybe?

Yes. The movie is thought provoking, easy on the mind, and drives a theme of how to live life well.

Video Critique Available Here:

Ben Meyers

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