GANDHI (Threatrical Release USA 1982)

Ben Meyers’ rating: 4.7|5.0 Starsìììì

terrific credit for actor Ben Kingsley as Gandhi and Director Richard Attenborough—presents a well done story, perfectly presented and scripted, a masterpiece.

Film Poster Courtesy of Wikipedia


The biographical film begins with Gandhi’s success in establishing some human rights in South Africa for Indians. He is invited by the Indian government to establish Indian human rights in India. The film follows his efforts through freedom from the oppressiveness of British rule into the resolution of interior religious struggles between Muslims and Hindus. The final resolution splits India into the two separate countries of Pakistan and India. The film ends with Gandhi’s assassination by Nathuram Godse.

Additional Thanks

Best Work for Director and Producer Richard Attenborough. Thank you to Executive Producer Michael Stanley-Evans for making the story possible. Additional characters/cast include: Margaret Bourke-White (Candice Bergen), General Dyer (Edward Fox), Lord Irwin (John Gielgud), Judge Broomfield (Trevor Howard), The Viceroy (John Mills), Walker (Martin Sheen), Charlie Andrews (Ian Charleson), General Smuts (Athol Fugard), Herman Kallenbach (Günther Maria Halmer), Sardar Patel (Saeed Jaffrey), Mirabehn (Geraldine James), Mohamed Ali Jinnah (Alyque Padamsee), and Pandit Nehru (Roshan Seth).

Buy a ticket? Yes? No? Maybe?

Yes. Definitely a period piece, not to be missed, with Ben Kingsley at his best. It soars to the highest charts in entertainment value.

Video Critique Available Here:

Ben Meyers

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