LBJ (Theatrical Release USA 2017)

Ben Meyers’ rating: 3.8|5.0 Starsììì

—unique storyline—teaches a very large principle of leadership, oath of office, and procedure when power removes from one person and suddenly settles on the shoulders of another. The story, well-done, needs a stronger actor to play the part of Lyndon Johnson. Although Woody Harrelson resembles Lyndon Johnson, he seems to need more realism and force. On the other hand, Jeffrey Donavan looks a little like John F. Kennedy, but it seems that he also could have been better cast for resemblance or, at the least, had stronger makeup to replicate JFK. Outside of these minor criticisms, this film has a lot to say and becomes a great after watch conversation piece especially within the family setting. Thank you to Director Rob Reiner for showcasing the quality of determination in an inspiring and entertaining manner.

Film Poster Courtesy of Wikipedia


Lyndon Johnson assumes the presidency after the assassination of President Kennedy.

Additional Thanks

Thank you to Director Rob Reiner for directing effort. Thank you to Executive Producers Elizabeth A. Bell, Lloyd Braun, Daniel Alberto Casal, Chris Conover, Michael Ilitch Jr., Allan Mandelbaum, Julie B. May, Andrew Mittman, Glenn Murray, Hernan Narea, Danny Roth, Martin Shafer, Michael Tadross Jr., and Damiano Tucci. for making the film possible. Additional characters/cast include: Lyndon B. Johnson (Woody Harrelson), Bobby Kennedy (Michael Stahl-David), Senator Richard Russell (Richard Jenkins), Lady Bird Johnson (Jennifer Jason Leigh), John F. Kennedy (Jeffrey Donovan), Senator Ralph Yarborough (Bill Pullman), John Connally (John Burke), Walter Jenkins (C. Thomas Howell), George Reedy (John Ellison Conlee), and Kenny O’Donnell (Michael Mosley).

Buy a ticket? Yes? No? Maybe?

Yes. This is a worthy film that speaks well of Lyndon Johnson’s carrying forward the political agenda of his predecessor based on his oath of office for the position of Vice President even though he disagreed with many of the protocols. Outstanding piece on ethics, humility, and proper understanding of position, place, and duty.

Video Critique Available Here:

Ben Meyers

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