47 METERS DOWN: UNCAGED (Theatrical Release USA 2019)

 Ben Meyers’ rating: 3.8|5.0 Starsììì

47 Meters Down: Uncaged—very effective shark attack scenes—may not be Jaws, but still delivers horror and gross with its use of slow motion horror that capitalizes itself with rapid repeat as one swimmer after another goes down. WOW! on photography…some of the best. Be aware that the screaming, even though there is good reason for it, becomes monotonous so that an audience may wish there was more storyline rather than shark appearances. Many of the scenes could have shortened to introduce a few secondary stories to create more depth to the movie. The movie, despite it reliance on horror and mayhem in ocean water, does have a terrific conclusion.

Film Poster Courtesy of Wikipedia


Sharks attack humans in underwater caves.

Additional Thanks

Thank you to Director Johannes Roberts for directing effort. Thank you to Executive Producers Byron Allen, Andrew Boucher, Mark Borde, Chris Charalambous, Cion, Will Clarke, Mark DeVitre, Carolyn Folks, Wayne Mark Godfrey, Robert Jones, Christophe Lannic, Keith Levine, Simon Lewis, Andy Mayson, Duncan McWilliam, Mike Runagall, Matthew Signer, Lee Vandermolen, Bob Weinstein, and Harvey Weinstein for making the movie possible. Additional characters/cast include: Lisa (Mandy Moore), Kate (Claire Holt), Javier (Chris Johnson), Louis (Yani Gellman), Ben (Santiago Segura), Captain Taylor (Matthew Modine),

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? Yes? No? Maybe?

Yes. This is the next film in the 47-meters Down series and evokes the emotion of horror as it is meant to do.

Video Critique Available Here:

Ben Meyers

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