TALENT FOR THE GAME (Theatrical Release USA 1991)

Ben Meyers’ rating: 4.4|5.0 Starsìììì

Talent for the Game—the theme of the story starts  in a tough place but rapidly moves to a lighter, happier presentation—serves WOW! levels of entertainment. With a story that Edward James Olmos and Lorraine Bracco fill to the brim and overflow with watchability value, the movie easily wins the best script award of the year. The movie becomes lovable from its opening to closing scenes and takes good advantage of the tension involved in catching a dream and making it a reality. The movie remarkably defines lovability and human-ness.

Film Poster Courtesy of Wikipedia


A talent scout serves both as recruiter and muse for a recruited pitcher.

Additional Thanks

Thank you to Director Robert M. Young for directing effort. Thank you to Executive Producer David Wisnievitz for making the film possible. Additional characters/cast include: VirgilSweet (Edward James Olmos), Bobble (Lorraine Bracco), Angels Coach (John E. Coleman), Sammy Bodeen (Jeff Corbett), Tim Weaver (Jamey Sheridan), Gil Lawrence (Terry Kinney), Paul (Thomas Ryan), Fred (Felton Perry), Reverend Bodeen (Tom Bower), Rachel Bodeen (Janet Carroll), and Burns (Daniel Haro).

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? Yes? No? Maybe?

Yes. This baseball film has a nicely written script. Don’t miss it. It’s fresh and clean. Great work for all involved in its production.

Video Critique Available Here:

Ben Meyers

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