FUNNY FACE (Theatrical Release USA 1957)

 Ben Meyers’ rating: 4.1|5.0 Starsìììì

Funny Face
needs an overhaul in its storyline. The story begins with a prudish bookstore worker who is immediately hired as an haute couture fashion model and, wthout training or background, is immediately whisked off to Paris. In Paris the next scene shows this quiet bookstore worker performing a ballet-type dance that is anything but prudish. There is no setup for any of the above scenes, just one unlikely out-of-character scene after another. The message throughout the film becomes a convoluted mess that follows no practical storyline. There may be a desire to see Audrey Hepburn dancing with Fred Astaire, but that’s about it for this film. 

Film Poster Courtesy of Wikipedia 


Young girl becomes an instant success as a high fashion model. 

Additional Thanks 

Thank you to Director Stanley Donen for directing effort. Thank you to Producer Roger Edens for making the film possible. Additional characters/cast include: Jo Stockton (Audrey Hepburn), Dick Avery (Fred Astair), Maggie Prescott (Kay Thompson), Professor Émile Flostre (Michel Auclair), Paul Duval (Robert Flemyng), Marion (Dovima), Hairdresser (Jean Del Val), Babs (Virginia Gibson), Laura (Sue England), Lettie (Ruta Lee), Dovitch (Alex Gerry), Specialty Dancer (Sunny Harnett). 

Buy a ticket? Yes? No? Maybe? 

Yes. For the audience who academically reviews movies or may be studying Fred Astaire and/or Audrey Hepburn, then this film provides ample opportunity to do that. Otherwise, its jaundiced, chaotic storyline simply does not work. 

Video Critique Available Here: 

 Ben Meyers

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