WILLOW (Theatrical Release USA 1988)

 Ben Meyers’ rating: 3.9|5.0 Starsììì 

Willow—a well-written story—accesses the considerable acting talents of Warwick Davis to create a marvelous fantasy adventure that more than fulfills entertainment needs for both children and adults. George Lucas, once again, shows his remarkable ability to write highly imaginative and creative content that beguiles and enchants its audience. Val Kilmer, as a casting choice, completely compliments the heroic efforts of Warwick Davis to complete his assigned mission.

Film Poster Courtesy of Wikipedia 


A wicked female magician endeavors to stop the inevitable destiny of a female infant. 

Additional Thanks 

Thank you to Director Ron Howard for directing effort. Thank you to Producer Nigel Wooll for making the film possible. Characters/cast include: Willow Ufgood (Warwick Davis), Madmartigan (Val Kilmer), Elora Danan (Kate and Ruth Greenfield and Rebecca Bearman), Sorsha (Joanne Whalley), Queen Bavmorda (Jean Marsh), Fin Raziel (Patricia Hayes), and High Aldwin (Billy Barty). 

Buy a ticket
? Yes? No? Maybe? 

Yes. A wonderful, complicated adventure fantasy that completely fills the audience need for good entertainment. Eye candy in every scene.

Video Critique Available Here:

Ben Meyers

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