THE SINGING SHADOWS (YouTube Release 2022)

 Ben Meyers’ rating: 3.8|5.0 Starsììì

The Singing Shadows—okay animation—uses ineffective, repetitive scenes like the bedtime shadow puppets as if trying to fill in time requirements of a school project rather than giving its audience something new in those precious few minutes of entertainment time. This redundancy noticeably reduces story value, clarity while enhancing the audience’s feeling that it is a copycat, lacking originality animated film. It leaves the watcher with one huge question, ‘Why?’

Film Poster Image Courtesy of YouTube Images


 A small child rebels against its Mother’s warning about wild animals.

 Additional Thanks

Thank you to Directors Louna Piette, Virginie Pellet, Myrtil LaPierre, Astride LaLouette, Marine Guarmaccia, and Manon Bernard Vigne, and Srushti Kakade for directing effort. Thank you to YouTube for broadcasting the film. Thank you to ESMA 2021 for making the place possible for creation of film.

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? Yes? No? Maybe? 

Maybe. It is a short film and therefore takes little review time. It briefly investigates a jungle/village culture but unfortunately isolates the mother and child from their village and then introduces an entirely foreign wild animal that detracts from its story rather than enhances its story. These two factors introduce a weakness/improbability into the storyline and eliminate a richness that could have greatly added value to this short film’s entertainment potential while reaching to touch audience mental actualization/engagement. 

Video Critique Available Here:

Ben Meyers




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