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PANDORUM (Theatrical Release USA 2009)
HONEY, I BLEW UP THE KID (Theatrical Release USA 1992)
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DELGO (Theatrical Release USA 2008)
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FLAGS OF OUR FATHERS (Theatrical Release USA 2006)
Ben Meyers’ rating: 3.6|5.0 Starsììì Flags of Our Fathers—odd presentation—lacks cohesion with its 'all- over-the-place' story, little to no character development, and suitable but not great acting. Despite the hard-to-follow story, expect good fight scenes and highly graphic portrayal of war wounds. |
Three men receive praise for raising a USA flag during World War II as a symbol of a great victory. |
It is an okay watch but hard to follow with a 'messy' storyline. This Clint Eastwood
film has a counterpart made by Clint Eastwood called Letters from Iwo Jima
about the Japanese side of the story that is a much better made film than
this film. |
BATTLE FOR TERRA (Theatrical Release USA 2007)
SPY GAME (Theatrical Release USA 2001)
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GLORY (Theatrical Release USA 1990)
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DISTRICT 9 (Theatrical Release USA 2009)
Ben Meyers’ Rating: 3.8|5.0 Starsììì District 9—creative film—uses 'found footage' for its formatting. That choice creates a certain likableness for the movie as well as establishing a realism to the story. This is a suitable to okay watch that does not consistently follow movie protocol which hampers its logical and clear presentation. Watch for the performance of Sharlto Copley, some realistic action scenes, and interesting alien activity. The animation technology of the aliens is very realistic. |
Yes. The movie can easily serve the cult classic genre and provides an interesting view of relocation and treatment of refugees. |
DEATH SENTENCE (Theatrical Release USA 2007)
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BOLT (Theatrical Release USA 2008)
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AUSTRALIA (Theatrical Release USA 2008)
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ERAGON (Theatrical Release USA 2006)
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THE WOLFMAN (Theatrical Release USA 2010)
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THE QUICK AND THE DEAD (Theatrical Movie Release USA 1995)
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THE PIANIST (Theatrical Release USA 2003)
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BEAN: THE MOVIE (Theatrical Release USA 1997)