JUNO (Theatrical Release USA 2007)

Ben Meyers’ rating: 4.7|5.0 Stars ìììì

challenges viewers, through the eyes of a young pregnant girl, Juno MacGuff (Ellen Page), to see the opportunities life affords for happiness. This offbeat, matter-of-fact film works in almost documentary fashion as it explores Juno MacGuff’s independent decision making processes that cycle from initiating sexual intimacy to discovering pregnancy to moving forward in life. Charmingly, Juno maintains an unusual level of common sense and operates at a down-to-earth level of near-adult autonomy throughout the entire film. In an unusually mature fashion, she accepts responsibility for her choices and carefully weighs all options before she makes a final decision. This creates a very enjoyable film as Juno slowly creates a winning situation for everyone—herself, her boyfriend (Michael Cera), her father (J.K. Simmons) and step-mother (Allison Janney), her baby, and ‘wannabe’ adoptive mother (Jennifer Garner). Juno’s pragmatic life view departs from the hysterical responses of bygone eras and allows viewers sensible, rational resolution for a very old and common life situation. The refreshing ‘pick up the pieces the best you can and start again with what you have been given’ attitude of this film makes it well worth seeing.

Film Poster courtesy of Wikipedia


Young Juno MacGuff makes a series of choices that lead to pregnancy.

Additional Thanks

Best work for Director Jason Reitman. Thank you to Executive Producers Joseph Drake, Daniel Dubiecki, Nathan Kahane, and Lianne Halfon for making the film possible. Additional characters/cast include : Vanessa Loring (Jennifer Garner), Mark Loring (Jason Bateman), Leah (Olivia Thirlby), Gerta Rauss (Eileen Pedde), and Rollo (Rainn Wilson).

Buy a ticket? Yes? No? Maybe?

Yes. This story presents well on screen.

Video Critique Available :Here:

Ben Meyers

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