JAWS 3-D * (Theatrical Release USA 1983)

Ben Meyers’ rating: 3.5|5.0 Stars ììì

Jaws 3-D—
low grade entertainment value—has it points, but it is not the best film of the series. The acting is fair but the script lacks realism. It is not clear why the choice of 3-D is made other than the minor upsurge in popularity in the 1980s for 3-D filming. Know that the Ben Meyers' team did not view this film in 3-D and cannot comment on the cinematographic quality of this film. Listen for one of Calvin Bouchard 's (Louis Gosset, Jr.) script lines that could become a meme.

Film Poster Courtesy of Wikipedia


A female shark and its single offspring take refuge in Orlando SeaWorld Park’s underwater tunnels. Mike Brody (Dennis Quaid) takes down the female shark.

Additional Thanks

Good Work for Director Joe Alves. Thank you to Executive Producers Alan Landsburg and Howard Lipstone for making the film possible. Additional characters/cast include: Sean Brody (John Putch), Dr. Kathryn ‘Kay’ Morgan (Bess Armstrong), and Philip FitzRoyce (Simon MacCorkindale).

Buy a ticket? Yes? No? Maybe?

Maybe. If Jaws fans want to finish the series, buy that ticket. If you want a really good thriller, skip it. It lacks the quality of the first and second Jaws movies.

*Also known as Jaws III

Video Critique Available Here:

Ben Meyers

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