JOAN THE WOMAN (Theatrical Release USA 1916)

Ben Meyers’ rating: 3.9|5.0 Starsììì

Joan the Woman—interesting, easy-to-understand silent movie—serves up a long piece of entertainment that dramatizes itself into boredom, but also has to be carefully watched due to the way silent movies are flowing scenes. The cast has been well chosen and delivers strong skillful interpretations of their roles. One leaves this movie thinking it would be a more powerful read than an onscreen watch.

Film Poster Courtesy of Wikipedia


Before deployment, a World War I soldier has a dream about Joan of Arc.

Additional Thanks

Thank you to Director Cecil B. DeMille for directing effort. Thank you to Producer Cecil B. DeMille for making the film possible. Additional characters/cast include: Joan of Arc (Geraldine Farrar), Charles VII (Raymond Hatton), General La Hire (Hobart Bosworth), Cauchon (Theodore Roberts), Eric Trent (Wallace Reid), La Tremouille (Charles Clary), Laxart (James Neill), L’Oiseleur (Tully Marshall), Gaspard (Lawrence Peyton), Jacques d’Arc (Horace B. Carpenter), The King’s Favorite (Cleo Ridgely), Isambeau (Lillian Leighton), Katherine (Marjorie Daw), Rrnest Joy), and Jean de Metz (John Oaker).

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? Yes? No? Maybe?

Yes. This fills in some details of the Joan of Arc story as the approach is a little different. Be aware that it delivers a lengthy exploration of its subject—a full 2 hours and 18 minutes.

Video Critique Available Here:

 Ben Meyers

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