THE SOLOIST (Theatrical Release USA 2009)

Ben Meyers’ rating: 3.9|5.0 Starsììì

The Soloist
—completely worth a watch—tells about musical genius and how genius is sometimes lost forever to our world when that genius lives too long without secure and supportive environments. Robert Downey, Jr. and Jamie Foxx team to reveal the brutality of street life. Great to good acting. Robert Downey Jr., as usual, performs within the realms of superbly well-done. Jamie Foxx, as usual, performs with power but sometimes fails to fully realize that power.

Film Poster Courtesy of Wikipedia


Robert Downey, Jr. endeavors to bring a homeless man’s musical skills to the professional world.

Additional Thanks

Thank you to Director Joe Wright for directing effort. Thank you to Executive Producers Tim Bevan, Eric Fellner, Jeff Skoll, and Patricia Whitcher for making the film possible. Additional characters/cast include: Nathaniel Ayers (Jamie Foxx), Steve Lopez (Robert Downey Jr.), Mary Weston (Catherine Keener), Graham Claydon (Tom Hollander), Jennifer Ayers (LisaGay Hamilton), David Carter (Nelsan Ellis), Leslie Bloom (Rachael Harris), Graham Claydon (Tom Hollander), Jennifer Ayers (LisaGay Hamilton), David Carter (Nelsan Ellis), Leslie Bloom (Rachael Harris), Curt Reynolds (Stephen Root), Flo Ayers (Lorraine Toussaint), Young Nathaniel (Justin Martin), Bernie Carpenter (Kokayi Ampah), Paul Jr. (Patrick Tatten), Marisa (Susane Lee), Mayor Villaraigosa (Marcos De Silvas), Harry Barnoff (Ilia Volok), Adam Crane (Michael Bunin), and Julliard Conductor (Mike Nowak).

Buy a ticket? Yes? No? Maybe?

Yes.  Robert Downey Jr. and Jamie Foxx perform wonderfully.

Video Critique Available Here:

Ben Meyers

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