INTO THE WOODS (Theatrical Release USA 2014)

Ben Meyers’ Rating: 3.8|5.0 Starsììì 

Into the Woods—okay watch with a long way to go to achieve quality—has great singing voices but the lyrics are weak, the power of presentation missing, and entertainment value darkly themed without appeal.  The star-studded cast—James Corden, Emily Blunt, Meryl Streep, Anna Kendrick, Johnny Depp—along with new actors like Lilla Crawford and Daniel Huddlestone cannot pull any power out of the overall storyline. The movie lacks intelligence and human spirit. 

Film Poster Courtesy of Google Images 


This fantasy film is a backstory and an imaginary correlation between five Brothers Grimm fairy tales. 

Additional Thanks 

Thank you to Director Rob Marshall for directing efforts. Thank you to Producers Rob Marshall, John DeLuca, Callum McDougall for making the film possible. Cast includes: Meryl Streep, Emily Blunt, James Corden, Anna Kendrick, Tracey Ullman, Christine Baranski, Johnny Depp, and Chris Pine. 

Buy a ticket
? Yes? No? Maybe? 

Maybe. It has its own storyline which is a rewritten form of five Grimm fairy tales with maybe a fresher look at the overdone screening of these stories. But, for the most part, it is not well presented or written. 

Video Critique Available Here:

Ben Meyers 

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