CODA (Released to the International Film Festival of India, Goa India 2019)


Ben Meyers’ Rating: 4.3|5.0 Starsìììì 

CODA—original—chooses Patrick Stewart as the lead performer. All else is commentary. This is a quality watch that performs at the high art level. Sophisticated, gracious story gently tells its tale of how performers are kept on stage to meet audience expectations. Camerawork is exquisite; stage settings are eye-candy. Watch for a terrific performance by Katie Holmes. The movie quietly tells its story. 

Film Poster Courtesy of Google Images


A seasoned pianist suffers a high level of performance anxiety.


Additional Thanks

Thank you to Director Claude Lalonde for directing effort. Thank you to Producers Nicolas Comeau and Nicola Hayman for making the film possible. Cast includes Patrick Stewart, Katie Holmes, Giancarlo Esposito, Christoph Gaugler, Don Anderson, Victor Andres Turgeon-Trelles, Abdul Ayoola, Sasha Bissonnette, Letitia Brookes, and Violette Chauveau.

Buy a ticket
? Yes? No? Maybe? 

Yes. This is a deeply written, clean, and wonderful watch. This film is not to be missed.

Video Critique Available Here:

Ben Meyers

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