THE ACCOUNTANT (Released to Theaters USA 2016)


Ben Meyers’ Rating: 3.8|5.0 Starsììì

The Accountant is a film that has multiple plot holes. If the viewer doesn't think too deeply about the storyline, especially about the relationship between the two brothers and John Lithgow's character, and watches it superficially, then it is a fun watch. Read a Wikipedia plotline before watching to keep the brothers' roles defined and how they develop from childhood to working adults and become involved in criminal activity.

Film Poster Courtesy of Wikipedia  


 A super smart autistic boy, grows into adulthood with assassin skills and becomes an analyst for a big corporate company. 

Additional Thanks

 Thank you to Director and Executive Producer Gavin O'Connor for directing effort. Thank you to Executive Producers Marty P. Ewing, Steven Mnuchin, Jamie Patricof, Producers Lynette Howell Taylor and Mark Williams for making the film possible. Cast includes Ben Affleck, Anna Kendrick, J. K. Simmons,  Jon Bernthal, Jeffrey Tambor, and John Lithgow.

Buy a ticket? Yes? No? Maybe?

Yes. Superficially, it is a suitable and fun watch overall. Read a plotline before going to enhance enjoyment of the movie.

Video Critique Available Here:

 Ben Meyers



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