NIXON (Theatrical Release USA 1995)

Ben Meyers’ rating: 4.2|5.0 Starsìììì

—focuses on Nixon’s career more than on his family life—does a fair job of educating about his political career. The movie accesses Anthony Hopkins to play the part of Nixon, but the difference in facial features between the two men is so overwhelmingly different that it detracts from the movie itself. The movie needs editing to cut about 30 minutes from the length of the film as it almost scrapes bottom due to weariness over length of the movie.

Film Poster Courtesy of Wikipedia


Tells the Richard Nixon story from youth through his impeachment.

Additional Thanks

Thank you to Director Oliver Stone for directing effort. Thank you to Producers Oliver Stone, Clayton Townsend, and Andrew G. Vajna for making the film possible. Additional characters/cast include: Richard M. Nixon (Anthony Hopkins), Pat Nixon (Joan Allen), Alexander Haig (Powers Boothe), E. Howard Hunt (Ed Harris), J. Edgar Hoover (Bob Hoskins), John Mitchell (E.G. Marshall), Ron Ziegler (David Paymer), John Dean (David Hyde Pierce), Henry Kissinger (Paul Sorvino), Hannah Nixon (Mary Steenburgen), John Ehrlichman (J.T. Walsh), H.R. Haldeman (James Woods), Clyde Tolson (Brian Bedford), Charles Colson (Kevin Dunn), and Murray Chotiner (Fyvush).

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Yes. The film moves along well and keeps interest.

Video Critique Available Here:

Ben Meyers

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