WONKA (Released to Theaters UK 2023)

Ben Meyers’ Rating: 3.9|5.0 Starsììì

 Wonka, great prequel story, carries the clarification burden and will leave some audiences with questions about the relevancy and need for some scenes. This film wants so badly to flower into the wonderfulness of the rose. Timothee Chalamet, a perfect casting choice, has a singing voice that is great and resonates with a certain quality that captivates at the beginning and ending of the film. Timothee looks perfect as the younger version of Gene Wilder in his interpretation of Willy Wonka. The story, itself, beautifully sets up the 1971 Gene Wilder movie, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. It is a good watch and easily generates a second watch to catch small nuances that may unfold this rose into fuller bloom.

 Film Poster Courtesy of Google Images                     


 This is the story of how the Wonka Chocolate Factory got started.

 Additional Thanks

 Thank you to Director Paul King for directing effort. Thank you to Producers David Heyman, Alexandra Derbyshire, and Luke Kelly for making the film possible. Cast includes Timothee Chalamet, Calah Lane, Keegan Michael Key, Paterson Joseph, Matt Lucas, Mathew Baynton, and Sally Hawkins.

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? Yes? No? Maybe?

 Maybe. The beginning scenes are fabulous. The ending scenes and the lead-in to the musical score is wonderfully done. It sets up the original movies about the Wonka Chocolate Factory so nicely. But everything between the beginning and the ending seems oddly placed without the ‘magic’ truly present even though there is much magic in the scenes. The middle part of the movie seems underdeveloped and needs special treatment to give it more life. However, one does get a valuable insight into the youthful Wonka character and his relationship to his mother. Listen and read her secret ingredient to making terrific chocolate. And, learn how Wonka's relationship with the Oompah Loompas began.

 Video Critique Available Here:

Ben Meyers

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