EVELYN (Theatrical Release USA 2002)

Ben Meyers’ rating: 3.4|5.0 Starsììì

not Pierce Brosnan’s best acting performance—tells a story that needs to be told about changes in the way Ireland processes single parent home children. Terrific treat to hear Pierce Brosnan sing. His voice reminds one of Newfoundland folk songs as sung by Alan Mills in the 1950s. While the movie seems a little redundant due to its linear story telling method and the lack of second/third/fourth stories interweaving with the main story, the film moves along toward a memorable conclusion. It’s a capsule of Irish history where an Irish future is altered through the efforts of a single, persistent father.

Film Poster Courtesy of Wikipedia


A father loses his three children to an Irish church orphanage and must fight the legal system to have them returned.

Additional Thanks

Thank you to Director Bruce Beresford for directing effort. Thank you to Executive Producers Simon Bosanquet, Kiernan Corrigan, Eberhard Kayser, and Mario Ohoven for making the film possible. Additional characters/cast include: Evelyn Doyle (Sophie Vavasseur), Dermot Doyle (Niall Beagan), Maurice Doyle (Hugh McDonagh), Desmond Doyle (Pierce Brosnan), Charlotte Doyle (Mairead Devlin), Henry Doyle (Frank Kelly), Mrs. Daisley (Claire Mullan), Inspector Logan (Alvaro Lucchesi), and District Judge (Garrett Keogh).

Buy a ticket? Yes? No? Maybe?

Maybe. The film takes a while to tell its story, but it’s good to see how Ireland solves its single parent with children policies with more reasonable solutions.

Video Critique Available Here:

Ben Meyers

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