Meyers’ rating: 2.4|5.0
Stars ìì
The Secret of Kells—an
in-house, animated job that fails at two levels. First, the script writers assumed
everyone in the world is Irish, Christian, and knows about “The Book of Kells.”
Second, the script writers also obviously thought that their movie
audiences had good understanding of Irish history, illuminated manuscripts, and
Ireland’s early challenges with Viking invaders. Without a fair smattering of
that knowledge, as well as knowing about the Abbey of Kells, this film seems purposeless,
unintelligible, and irrelevant. Do a little quickie Wikipedia research before
you go, take a forgiving attitude for two dimensional artwork with you, and 75
minutes of your time may pass slowly, slightly illumined through unusual
periods of complete musical silence. The upshot of the film seems to be that
Ireland would not possess “The Book of Kells” in its Trinity College Library, Dublin
if it weren’t for a forest spirit, a white cat guardian, the devil’s magnifying
glass, and a whole lot of gall nuts.
Film Poster Courtesy of Wikipedia
Additional Thanks
This film was not a best work effort for Writer and Director Tomm Moore. However, it can be appreciated for its creative endeavor.

Buy a ticket? Yes? No? Maybe?
Maybe. Do your research first to fully appreciate this film.
Video Critique Available Here:
Video Critique Available Here:
Ben Meyers
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