APPLE MORTGAGE CAKE (Television Release USA 2014)

 Ben Meyers’ rating: 3.6|5.0 Starsììì 

Apple Mortgage Cake begins slowly and fails to connect the significance of its opening scenes until too late in its story. That late tie creates audience confusion. The dialogue about the house being held by past family members needs a critical tie that is lacking and left dangling. There is also an issue with the amount of money owed and the fact that this Mother has three sons who are healthy and able to hold after school jobs to avoid homelessness. It seems the whole burden is on the Mother with no one in her immediate family joining forces to keep the inevitable from occurring. Also, it becomes a bit of a stretch to see a ‘boyfriend’ who does little to solidly contribute to solutions to her challenges. We have 5 adult people here, 4 of whom are male, who could form a team and take employment that could solve this challenge. On the other hand, the benefit of the movie is that it allows a good look at how to help oneself through self-employment that will have much better, far-reaching solutions for this family than employment by others and the fact that the main character continues to help others even though she herself is in dire need of help. Strong backbone to that part of the story. This film overall suffers a type of unappealing slow burn that causes drag as it moves along. The acting is good to okay. The conclusion has a type of sweet/sour aftertaste due to the main characters' final decision about her boy ‘friend.’

 Film Poster Courtesy of Google Images


A single mother struggles with house foreclosure and how to support her children. 

Additional Thanks 

Thank you to Director Michael M. Scott for directing efforts. Thank you to Executive Producers John Morayniss, Jamie Pachino, Ira Pincus, and Michael M. Scott for making the film possible.  Characters/cast include: Angela Logan (Kimberly Elise), Melvin George (Kevin Hanchard), William Logan (Stephan James), Nicholas Logan (Lamar Johnson), Marcus Logan (A.J. Saudin), Leann Dobbs (Joanne Boland), Gloria Grand (Gabrielle Miller), Josh Kaye (Barry Flatman), Pastor (Paul De La Rosa), and Bobby Logan (Peter Williams). 

Buy a ticket
? Yes? No? Maybe? 

Maybe. It’s a bona fide appeal-to-the-heart movie; but needs work to avoid its unappealing slow burn. 

Video Critique Available Here:

Ben Meyers

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