THE RAINMAKER (Theatrical Release USA 1997)

Ben Meyers’ rating: 4.9|5.0 Starsìììì

The Rainmaker—
gold star film—must be added to the home video library. Matt Damon and Danny DeVito play off one another like Teuscher chocolate covering Tandem Caramels. To add Jon Voight, Mickey Rourke, Danny Glover, and Roy Schieder to the casting mix is perfect. Professionalism’s definition? Don’t go to an Oxford Dictionary. See this film and note the form of Director Francis Ford Coppola. This is WOW! entertainment. Don’t miss it.

Film Poster Courtesy of Wikipedia


A newly graduated and inexperienced lawyer takes on the best law team in the business.

Additional Thanks

Thank you to Director Francis Ford Coppola for directing effort. Thank you to Producers Michael Douglas, Fred Fuchs, and Steven Reuther for making the film possible. Additional characters/cast include: Rudy Baylor (Matt Damon), Deck Shifflet (Danny DeVito), Kelly Riker (Claire Danes), Leo F. Drummond (Jon Voight), Dot Black (Mary Kay Place), Judge Harvey Hale (Dean Stockwell), Colleen Birdsong (Teresa Wright), Jackie Lemancyzk (Virginia Madsen), Bruiser Stone (Mickey Rourke), Cliff Riker (Andrew Shue), Buddy Black (Red West), Donny Ray Black (Johnny Whitworth), Prince Thomas (Wayne Emmons), Butch (Adrian Roberts), and Wilfred Keeley (Roy Scheider).

Buy a ticket? Yes? No? Maybe?

Yes. The movie becomes an outstanding directing achievement for Director Francis Ford Coppola and a complete winner for Actors Matt Damon and Danny DeVito.

Video Critique Available Here:

Ben Meyers

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