BIG BOOM (USA made and released In the USA 2018)

Ben Meyers’ rating: 3.8|5.0 Starsììì 

Big Boom—cute short film—runs out of interest because of the desire to see the service robot take to the road and discover his destiny or to have a human or another robot show up and make friends. The 14:29 minutes out of 15-minute run time is far too long for the amount of story here and far short of the time needed for a serious, longer story. The viewer loses interest due to the lack of story progression. The animation is great and probably the best part of the film.

 Film Poster Courtesy of YouTube Images


A service robot consistently asks where all the humans have gone. 

Additional Thanks 

Thank you to Director Brian Watson for directing effort. Thank you to Lucky Drifter Productions, CGI, and YouTube for making the film possible to view. 

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? Yes? No? Maybe? 

Maybe. It is good, but needs more time to develop a fuller storyline to reach the full impact that it is capable of achieving, perhaps an hour or more. The animation and the characters are terrific. It would be great to see what the world outside of the gas station is like and to create an adventure beyond the gas station or to develop additional characters who travel to the gas station and either begin interacting with the robots or find them out of power and reactivate them.

Video Critique Available Here:

Ben Meyers

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