SOLIS (Television Released in UK 2018)

 Ben Meyers’ rating: 3.6|5.0 Starsììì 

Solis drags from its early scenes to its concluding scenes. It seems to run like a soap opera melodrama and does not present itself well on the big screen. The main character is taken through much suffering. Director Carl Strathie cannot stabilize, at any point in the film, a relatable link between the audience and the main character despite the pain the main character experiences. While the scope of outer space is almost as good as in the film, Gravity, it becomes difficult to recommend this movie over films such as Life or Europa Report.

 Film Poster Courtesy of Google Images


An astronaut seems bound to enter the danger zone of our sun. 

Additional Thanks 

Thank you to Director Carl Strathie for directing effort. Thank you to Producers Charlette Kilby, Alan Latham, Carl Strathie, Steven Ogg, and Caleb Wilson for making the film possible. Characters/cast include: Troy Holloway (Steven Ogg), Commander Roberts (Voice of Alice Lowe), Milton (Voice of Sid Phoenix), Lieutenant Harris (Voice of Henry Douthwaite), Liz Holloway (Kate Coogan), and Ship (Voice of Charlette Kilby). 

Buy a ticket
? Yes? No? Maybe? 

No. This film could almost be skipped for the film Gravity, even though the presentation of Gravity could also be much improved. It is worth watching to get an increased appreciation for the scope of outer space. 

Video Critique Available Here:

Ben Meyers 

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