PAWN SACRIFICE (Toronto International Film Festival Toronto Canada 2014)

Ben Meyers’ rating: 4.1|5.0 Starsìììì 

Pawn Sacrifice may have had a stronger presentation with a different choice of casting. Toby McGuire generally presents himself well especially during the chess tournaments, but the acting on the beach when he thinks Boris Spassky/Russia/competitors spy on him does not express itself powerfully enough. Perhaps Jesse Eisenberg or Eddie Redmayne may have portrayed the main character at a higher level of expression. The archival footage presented at the end of the movie strengthen its presentation. Due to topic choice, the movie serves a special interest audience. Not much to get excited about here. Watch for an interesting presentation of the drivers behind something as seemingly trivial as an international chess competition.

 Film Poster Courtesy of Wikipedia


Chess Player Bobby Fischer challenges the best chess players in the world. 

Additional Thanks 

Thank you to Director Edward Zwick for directing efforts. Thank you to Executive Producers Kevin Scott Frakes, Arni Bjorn Helgason, Michael Ilitch Jr., Dale Armin Johnson, Julie B. May, Glenn Murray, Josette Perrotta, Stephen J. Rivele, Raj Brinder Singh, and Christopher Wilkinson for making the film possible. Additional characters/cast include: Bobby Fischer (Tobey Maguire), Boris Spassky (Liev Schreiber), Paul Marshall (Michael Stuhlbarg), Father Bill Lombardy (Peter Sarsgaard), Efim Geller (Edward Zinoviev), Tivo Nei (Alexandre Gorchkov), Joan Fischer (Lily Rabe), Regina Fischer (Robin Weigert), Teenage Bobby Fischer (Seamus Davey Fitzpatrick), and Young Bobby Fischer (Aiden Lovekamp). 

Buy a ticket
? Yes? No? Maybe? 

Yes. This movie will be appreciated by adults who love the game of chess.

 Video Critique Available Here:

Ben Meyers 

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